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   [re] Historiography of Korean Literature
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The Problem of Canon in Korean Literature

Cho Dong-il


        ¡°Canon¡± is an English word that was unknown in Korea until recent times. Now it is frequently used, translated into jeongjeon, among literary critics with a background of Anglo-American learning. It is not a pedantic term, but means rather simply the writings evaluated and recognized as standard or authoritative.
        Such an idea is not new. The words jeongo, jeonmo, jeonbeom were used in traditional Korea, with a similar meaning. In this paper, I discuss the canon of Korean literature as a succession to the heritages of indigenous forefathers.  
        Every civilization and nation has its own canons. The ideas and the methods of forming canons seem to be not so much different from each other. We can also identify a common process of rearranging canons. This will offer a key to world-wide comparison of the developments of cultural and literary history.    
        In Europe, the Bible or Holy Scripture was the first-tier of the canon, and the second-tier was comprised of Greek and Latin classics. English literature was only deemed fit to be evaluated as part of the canon only in the 20th century. East Asian and Korean cases can be clarified in comparison with Western counterparts,


        The Holy Scriptures of Confucianism were the highest canons of East Asia during long time, when Confucianism was the universal idealism of whole civilization. They were Analects, Mencius, Treatise on the Middle Way, The Great Learning, The Classic of Odes, Book of History, and Book of Change. Classics of literature, such as Tang poems, and Tang and Song prose were ranked in the second-tier of the canon. Unlike European case, these two tiers, from the original form used the language: the classical Chinese in its fixed written form. Religious, philosophical, and literary traditions were more closely related in East Asia than in Europe.  
        Beginning with the age of Southern Song, China produced no longer a common canon of the whole civilization. The other East Asian countries, Korea, Japan and Vietnam, competed with China by creating their own writings in written Chinese, along with vernacular literatures. Some eminent poets, such as Yi Gyubo in Korea, Setsgai Tsushin in Japan, and Nguyen Trai  in Vietnam, adeptly expressed nationalist themes using written Chinese.           
        However not only in Korea, but in the other East Asian countries as well, national heritages of the literature in written Chinese were generally depreciated. They were sometimes added to canon list as a third-tier, additional works. The hierarchical order could not be changed. But this was better than the situation in Europe, where Latin literatures produced in England or in the other countries from the medieval age and on were not deemed worthy of inclusion in the canon.


        Two anthologies of Korean literature in written Chinese by Choe Hae(1289-1340) and Seo Geojeng(1420-1488) brought about a turning point in the recognition of neglected heritages.
        In the preface of his anthology, Easterner's Writings, Choe Hae said:

        As we Eastern people's language is different from Chinese, if the talent inherited is not lucid and keen, strenuous effort in study can not win         success[in producing the best work]. But just as the essence of mind [to         be expressed in literary work] is the same all         around the world, the satisfactory works of our writers are not at all inferior to theirs.          

        Seo Geojeng explained why he compiled Anthology of Eastern Writings :

        These are our Eastern nation's literatures, not Song and Yuan literature, nor Han and Tang literature, but our nation's literature. These works must live between the heaven and the earth with (Chinese) literature of each generation. How they can disappear and be lost ?

        The best writers, whose works were given priority, if listed in chronological order, were: Choe Chiwon, Gim Busik, Yi Inro, Yi Gyubo, Yi Jehyeon, Yi Saek, Gweon Geun. Their works attained the level of the canon.
        Some private anthologies of poetry followed. Heo Gyun(1569-1618)'s Selection of National Poetries and Jang Jiyeon(1864-1921)'s  Anthology of the Great East Poetries are good examples. These books boasted the achievement of Korean poetry in written Chinese.
             Among the anthology of prose works, the final product was The Prose of Nine Writers of Koryeo and Han(Joseon) Dynasties, compiled by Gim Taegyoeng(1850-1927), while he was exiled in China. Gim Busik, Yi Jehyeon, Jang Yu, Yi Sik, Gim Changhyeob, Bak Jiweon, Hong Seokju, and Gim Maesun were selected as nine best writers. The compiler wanted to let Chinese readers to know that Korean writers created masterpieces on the same level with Chinese classics.


        Vernacular literature in Korean language was unable to shed its lowest status and rise to the level of the canon. But Gyun Yeo(923-973)'s hyangga works, "Song of the Ten Wishes of Bohyeon(Samantabhadra) Bodhisattva" enjoyed exceptional reputation, as it expressed the highest form of Buddhist thought. An able writer of the same period, Choe Haenggui translated them into written Chinese. In the preface, he compared hyangga with the poetry in written Chinese.    

        The sounds [of two songs of both countries] are distant  as a star in the East and a star in the West. The ideas [of two songs] compete each other as a spear and a shield, and hard to determine which is  superior. In competition, they will flow down together to the ultimate sea of truth, each taking its own way. Why it is not good ?  

        As hyangga disappeared, this theory could not be inherited by succeeding generations. When vernacular song in Korean language reappeared in sijo and gasa , they were regarded as playing a supplementary role to cover the shortage of the poetry in written Chinese. Yi Hwang(1501-1570) and other poets, who showed creative ability in both domains, said that the song in Korean were indispensable for singing and dancing, giving moral purification.
        Some eminent works, though, got a special refutation. Jeong Cheol(1536-1593)'s gasa, "Special Song of Gwandong", "Song of Longing for a Beauty", "Second Song of Longing for a Beauty" are good examples. Kim Manjung(1637-1692) said that these three song were "genuine literary works of Left of the Sea". "Left of the Sea" is a term for Korea. "Genuine literary works" means that their quality is excellent enough to be included in the canon.
        Such an evaluation could not be cover all of vernacular verse. In the 18th century, Songs of Green Hill and other anthologies of sijo works appeared with the declared mission of preserving them. But sijo and gasa  were never regarded more than subsidiary songs.
        Prose work in Korean were not considered as literary works. Though novels in vernacular were produced abundantly and read widely, they were denounced as to be harmful to morals. But Kim Manjung's novels, The Dream of Nine Clouds and Madame Sa's Journey to the South received special appreciation for two reasons: the author was an well-known high -ranking officer, and the two novel have philosophical and moral meaning.    


         The first modern History of Korean literature (1922) was written by An Hwag. He wanted deal with equal importance two domains of Korean literature, the literature in written Chinese and the literature in Korean, and clarify their mutual dependency. But it was only a rough outline that lacked the necessary details. Unfavorable situation during the colonial age hindered further achievement.
        Cho Yunje's History of National Literature (1949) was the product of liberated Korea. It made great advances in its use of materials. And it had a systematic framework. It was accepted widely as reliable text book, not only in universities but also in high school revel. In this book, Cho Yunje defined Korean literature based on a nationalist ideology. He turned the classical hierarchy of two domains of Korean literature upside-down. The literature in written Chinese was degraded to the level of a marginal part, and the literature in Korean became the focus.
        Among the writers of the literature in written Chinese, regarded as producers of the canon by classical anthologists, Hong Seokju and Gim Maesun were omitted. The reason is that, Cho Yunje thought, they had no noticeable relationship to the main current of Korean literary history newly described. Some other important writers of the literature in written Chinese were mentioned in concern with vernacular literature.      
        Works of the vernacular literature in Korean, already evaluated, were welcomed as heroes of literary history. Hyangga and sijo were praised as precious expressions of national spirit. Jeong Cheol(1536-1593)'s gasas and Kim Manjung's novels became model masterpieces in the canon. Story of Hong Gildong, Story of Chunyang,  and some other well known popular novels were added to it.
        This is not a final conclusion. During recent half century, the study of Korean literature developed tremendously. Many neglected works were found and analysed. Bongsan  Mask Play, Gim Ryeo's poems in written Chinese dealing with social reality, and the longest novel Banquet for Family Alliance at the Moon-Watching Pavilion in 180 volumes are typical examples. To accept new members, the established canon system must be reconsidered.
        Furthermore, a new view of literary history is needed. I wrote my  A Comprehensive History of Korean Literature (the first edition in 1982-1988, the fourth edition in 2005), in 5 volumes, to carry out such a demand. Main points of my attempt can be summarized as following.
        There are three literatures in Korean: oral literature, literature in written Chinese, and written literature in Korean. They had equal importance. They competed and intermingled with each other. Literary historian has to clarify that process with wide perspective and deep sight.           The distintion between major and minor works must be abolished. The contributions of low class and women must be recognized with a new insight. Oral narrative songs, which are transmitted and recreated by shamans, leads to the rediscovery of a lost vein of ancient literature. Ordinary vernacular letters of women, excavated by accident from old tombs, are precious proofs of literary life.  
        The scope of the literature is broadened extensively, and replaced by new conceptions of the text or of literacy. The conception of canon loses meaning and is disappearing. Now I write the fourth edition of this book to be published in 2005. It will manifest the anti-canonic direction more clearly. That is one of the  important tasks to overcome modern conception of literary history.    


        We can identify three stages in the history of the canon from Korean case. They were closely related with intellectual and social history.  
        Classical canons of the common written language of the whole civilization ruled during a long time when the universal idealism was leading ideology. These were then replaced by the canons of vernacular literature, in the age of the modern nationalism of the 20th century. Now the conception of the canon is questioned and distrusted, with the goal to create a new type of egalitarian society.
        Korean case demands a detailed investigation and comparison with other countries near and far. We are now on starting point of long journey. If the same process is found through a good amount of meaningful evidences all around the world, it will contribute much in proving the unity of human experiences.

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